AMASTER.ZIP Address Master Sun Mountain Technologies 318201 bytes Version 1.04 11-03-91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WordPerfect is a registered trademark of the WordPerfect Corporation Hayes is a registered trademark of the Hayes Corporation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Address Master (herein referred to as Amaster) is a software package born out of necessity for a flexible, easy to use address database that easily creates files for merging in WordPerfect (herein referred to as WP). Amaster has grown from this initial goal and now includes the following features: ** Information may be displayed in ascending order by first name, last name, company, group number (discussed later), or birthdate (birthdate display also calculates age). ** Information that can be entered for each record includes: First name, last name, company, address(2), home-work-fax numbers, birthdate (year may be omitted), anniversary, group number(2), group description, and notes (up to 24 lines worth may be entered). ** The database may be broken down into smaller versions based on groups (ie family, friends, clients, club members, etc). Up to 1100 groups may be defined. Database records may also be individually "tagged" for later printing or merging. ** Built in Auto-Dialer (registered version only - must have a Hayes compatible modem)- acts as a hands free dialer that can call the home, work, or fax number listed for a record. It also has a hold feature that will allow you to hear the person on the other end without them hearing you. ** Creates a secondary merge file for use within Wordperfect (versions 4.2 - 5.1). Records may be specified by group or by selecting individual records. Includes 2 sample templates (primary files). ** Many built in printing options including: reports, phone lists, mailing labels, etc... These may be printed for individual records, groups, selected records, or the entire database. ** Very easy to use interface. Scrollable tables and pop-up windows make menu traversal a snap. ** Registered version allows you to specify: user's name, modem port, modem volume, telephone area code (used to determine which calls are long-distance and require a 1 prefix), and default merging path/filename. ** Future release to include: Dbase II/III export/import capabilities, automatic reminder of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries (based on user specified time period), business version with special features for the office user, and increased printing options. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Available from: Sun Mountain Technologies 2525 Arapahoe Ave. Suite E4-194 Boulder, CO 80302 Amaster is currently being distributed by: ValueComm BBS (303)-388-0336 ** Download Privileges to First Time Callers ** ** 1200/2400 Baud **